
Just some geeky stuff

Daily security tips 3: Open Ports

Imagine each and every port that is open on your computer as a potential door to your computer, for malicious person.

Daily security tips 2: DNS

When you open your web browser and type into your address bar, what happens in most networks is, your PC asks your router: “Hey, router, what is the address of “ In case your router knows the address, it will send the response to you. If it does not know, it will ask your ISPs DNS server.

Daily security tips 1: hostname

When you connect your computer to new network, what it does to acquire networking settings like Gateway, DNS, network mask, etc. is it uses DHCP protocol.

Portforward using ssh

If you ever had to do portforwarding on network that was not yours, you know it can be pain in the ass sometimes and you most probbably do not want to deal with it. o

Audio scaling

Hi guys, what I had to do few days ago is dynamically change speed of audio playback.

Latest Posts

Radio modulation
Radio modulation

RF is like jumping into a pool with cold water. At first, you are like WTF am I doing, but, then, you realize, you are already creating some waves…

Decoding CTCSS tone
How to print all rejections in NodeJS
How to print all rejections in NodeJS

Did you forget to print error on rejection, in a huge project and are now having issues debugging it? I wrote a snippet of code to solve that.