How to print all rejections in NodeJS

Published: May 2, 2022 by nemanjan00

Did you forget to print error on rejection, in a huge project and are now having issues debugging it? I wrote a snippet of code to solve that.

const promiseProto = new global.Promise(() => {}).__proto__;

const originalCatch = promiseProto.catch; // grab original catch implementation

promiseProto.catch = function(...args) { // wrap around catch implementation, to print error
	const originalCallback = args[0];

	args[0] = (...errArgs) => {


	return originalCatch.apply(this, args);

Promise.reject(new Error("Just a terrible error")).catch(() => {
	// forgoten rejection


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How to print all rejections in NodeJS
How to print all rejections in NodeJS

Did you forget to print error on rejection, in a huge project and are now having issues debugging it? I wrote a snippet of code to solve that.